Savonranta information interactive map below the photos

Savonranta wapenSavonranta kaartSavonranta is a former municipality in Finland. It became part of Savonlinna in early 2009.
It is located in the province of Eastern Finland and is part of the southern Savonia region. The municipality had a population of 1,263 (2003) and occupied an area of 568.59 km², of which 182.55 km² is water. The population density is 3.3 inhabitants per km². The municipality is monolingual Finnish. Kolovesi National Park is 12 km away from Savonranta.

Savonranta luchtfoto

Savonranta, surrounded by forests and lakes – photo: Jere Hirvonen


Visit the Savonranta website


Hiking biking and kayak routes Savonranta.

Check out the routes here.

Savonranta is known for centuries-old mystery stories.

Savonranta mysterie

Take a journey with a connoisseur of stories, a spell reader, a guardian of timeless knowledge and discover the region’s power spots and the demonic tales that go with them.

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savonranta harbour

Savonranta centre and harbour



savonranta remainder medieval fort

Savonranta remainder of a medieval fort


Savonranta Rock Pyyvesi

Savonranta Rock Pyyvesi


Savonranta Kolovesi National Park

Savonranta Kolovesi National Park

Map of Savonranta

Click on the markers for more information, ór click in the list below the map on an item. home icon= Cottage Metsäranta.

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