Map of Savonranta and Finland
Directions, coming from Savonlinna:
From Savonlinna, follow road 14 in the direction of Lappeenranta (Savonlinnantie)
After 11.8 km turn left towards Joensuu to road 71 (Joensuuntie)
After 18.9 km turn left towards Savonranta onto road 474 (Savonrannantie)
After 24.5 km turn left towards Keskusta (= Center) to Vuokalanraitti
After 90 meters turn right onto the Myllykoskentie road
After 5.4 km turn left onto the Rommikalliontie road
After 570 meters turn left at the mailboxes (Rommikalliontie)
After 400 meters you will find number 54B on your right
You find our cottage near the red arrow.