eland-duim-omhoogJärvenrantamökki Savonlinna

Vuokraa Järvenrantamökki Savonlinna, Vääräjärven rannalta.
Luonnon keskellä oleva mökki, kristallin kirkas vesi, puhdas ilma, tunnet hiljaisuuden lähellä Savonrantaa, Savonlinna & Saimaa järvialue.

Cottage Metsäranta in Savonranta guarantees you this 100%. Read our reviews and the enthusiastic reactions of our guests here.

Cottage Metsäranta is a private cottage (with a hospitable Dutch owner, speaking English) and located directly on Lake Vääräjärvi, in ’the middle of nowhere’, 7 km. away from Savonranta (municipality of Savonlinna) in Eastern Finland in the province of Etelä-Savo (Southern Savonia).

No mass tourism here, but a place to completely unwind in a fully furnished house, suitable for 4 (6 *) persons.

You can reserve and book our house online.

View our facilities and photos here.

You are most welcome!

Uncertain about Corona measures? If you are forced to cancel your booking, we will either give you a voucher or immediately refund the booking amount. Guaranteed!

(*) The house is in principle equipped for 4 people, but there are 6 sleeping places, e.g. for 2 extra children.