Het Finse burgerinitiatief om jachtijzers bij wet te verbieden is geslaagd

The Finnish Parliament Picture: Mikko Huisko

The Finnish citizens’ initiative to ban hunting irons by law has succeeded and is being considered by Parliament. The citizens’ initiative ’All hunting tools (such as clamps and snares) must be banned by law’ has been successful. The initiative has received 52,042 statements of support.

Hunting iron picture: Jussi Nukari

According to the rationale of the initiative, animals other than small predators, such as bears, will also be victimized and trapped. They will suffer needlessly. When this happens, hunters kill a trapped animal with any young. That is not correct, according to the initiative.

The initiative points out that the Nature Conservation Act also provides that a wild animal must be helped if it is in distress or injured. It is known that last year in Finland three bears were killed in this way.

A citizens’ initiative is an initiative of at least 50,000 Finnish voters, which contains motivated proposals for the adoption of a law or a proposal to start drafting a law.

Source: Kansalaisaloite.fi – 6-1-2022