The last news from Savonranta - Finland
Cottage Metsäranta in Savonranta Cottage Metsäranta in Savonranta
Enjoy nature
Newsletter Metsäranta
# 28 - 10 December 2023
Dear {name} {surname},

Hereby our 28th Newsletter.
You will receive this newsletter because you have registered for this or because you have previously booked with us.

It is now full-on winter in Savonranta, there is a nice pack of snow and it is freezing with an average temperature of -18 degrees. There is occasional glorious sunshine, then it looks absolutely beautiful.

The days are quite short here, but that won't last long because soon we will have the shortest day, and the days are already getting longer.

We wish you a very happy and enjoyable December month.

Warmest regards,

Han van de Graaf

Would you like to come (again)? Then don't wait too long to book, there is already quite a lot of interest!  (UK) (FI)

We wish you a Merry Christmas and 
a happy and healthy 2024!

Toivotamme teille hyvää joulua ja 
onnellista ja tervettä vuotta 2024!


Cottage Metsäranta - Savonranta
Rommikalliontie 54B - Savonranta - Finland
© 2023 Cottage Metsäranta