Cottage Metsäranta in Savonranta Cottage Metsäranta in Savonranta
Enjoy nature
Newsletter Metsäranta
# 26 - 1 March 2023
Dear {name} {surname},

Hereby our 26th Newsletter.
You receive this newsletter because you have signed up for this or you have previously booked with us.
In this edition
  • The new season;
  • Traveler Review Award;
  • Northern Lights;
  • Booking for the summer.
The new season

The new season is upon us again. Although it is still full winter here and there is a thick blanket of snow, it is starting to itch to get started and get the cottage ready for the first guests. This year's winter has been very mild, with temperatures in November through February staying mostly between -4° to -12° below zero, with an outlier of -25.9° last week. But March can also stir its tail here, as last year it got as low as 30° below zero in that month.


There are some smaller new things in the pipeline for this year as well, such as new curtains and a tableware expansion. I can't wait to get started! 


Warm regards,

Han van de Graaf

Herfst in Savonranta
Traveller Review Award

Early last month we were surprised with an email from, (the cottage can also be booked there) that we had won a Traveller Review Award. This award is given to partners who have provided travellers with a great experience. These guests of ours rated us as "Fantastic".


We are of course very proud of this, because we do everything we can to make our guests feel completely comfortable. The reviews on our own website also show that we always manage to give our guests a great vacation.


We would like to thank our guests for this great award!

Herfst in Savonranta
Northern light

The Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis, is a beautiful natural phenomenon common in Finland (Lapland). The beautiful colors in the sky are breathtaking against the white of the snowy landscape.


Occasionally it can also be seen here in Savonranta. It is special, that it was now also seen some evenings in the Netherlands. 


You can find more information and some nice pictures here (hier auf Deutsch) on our website.

Noorderlicht in Savonranta

Northern light in Savonranta

Booking for summer


We already have quite a few bookings for next summer. July is fully booked, but there are still some opportunities in May, June and August. If you are planning to come, we advise you not to wait too long to book. You are always welcome!


Until the next Newsletter.


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Cottage Metsäranta - Savonranta
Rommikalliontie 54B - Savonranta - Finland
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