Cottage Metsäranta in Savonranta Cottage Metsäranta in Savonranta
Enjoy nature
Newsletter Metsäranta
# 24 - 4 September 2022
{title} {name} {surname},

Hereby our 24th Newsletter.
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In this edition
  • End summer news;
  • A good berry year;
  • New at our cottage;
  • A smart woodpecker.
End summer news

Midsummer is well over and we are still enjoying the long days; the sun rises a little less early and sets at 8.30 p.m. Last winter there was a lot of snow, so the summer flowers had to wait a long time until all the snow was gone and they could start growing. The summer looked beautiful with a bright floral color splendor. The wild flower meadow that has been sown on our property is becoming more and more beautiful.

Most of the guests have already been and they have enjoyed the endless peace, nature and the beautiful weather.

We are getting ready for autumn with its specific splendor of colors and the mushrooms are also sprouting from the ground. Time to collect chanterelles and also pick the lingonberries.

Herfst in Savonranta
A good berry year

Spring was relatively warm with enough rain to allow the blueberry bushes to grow well. Also in June, July and August the temperature was high with sufficient rain, so that we have a large harvest of the various blueberries this year.

The small wild strawberries were numerous and my dogs like to look for and eat them straight from the plant.

Wild strawberries
Blue berries
Lingon berries
New at the cottage

One of the guests asked for a handrail on the stairs to the toilet.

A little later I told this to my friend Walter, who together with his three daughters were my guests from Sweden. It didn't take long before I had a beautiful blueprint with my e-mail with a design for a 'bridge' to the toilet and with a staircase with railing to the cold shower.

We immediately went to get wood and after two long days of hard work by Walter, I was just a curly boy :-), the 'bridge' was a fact.

It is now no longer necessary to take two flights of stairs to visit the toilet. A great improvement, Walter, kudos and thank you!!

Below an impression of the construction.

A smart woodpecker

I regularly have one or more great spotted woodpeckers at the bird feeder. They pick the sunflower seeds open and eat them. One of the woodpeckers had found something to make it easier to open. He flies to the feeder, takes a sunflower seed to the pine, tucks the sunflower seed between the bark and then simply picks it open. You just have to get up this idea.

Bullfinch (m)
Bullfinch (f)

I wish you a beautiful autumn time. Until the next newsletter!

berk in herfst

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Cottage Metsäranta
Rommikalliontie 54B - Savonranta - Finland
© 2022 Cottage Metsäranta -